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Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)

Reception showing acts of kindness during Lent 

Meet the PSHE Lead

I’m Mr Chamier-Williams, the PSHE Lead here at St Andrew's, and I believe that the social side of education is just as important as the academics. Emotional and social intelligence are skills that can be taught, and I am passionate about helping children develop these essential qualities. These skills not only support children in their personal lives but are also vital for success in the wider world. Through our PSHE curriculum, I aim to equip children with the confidence and empathy they need to build positive relationships, make informed decisions, and thrive in all areas of life.

The Vision for PSHE

Our PSHE curriculum is shaped by our three key drivers: Everyone is different, which teaches children to respect and value diversity in all its forms, developing empathy and understanding towards others; everyone is special, which nurtures self-worth, resilience, and emotional well-being, ensuring every child feels safe, valued, and empowered to reach their potential; and everyone is our neighbour, which instils a strong sense of responsibility, encouraging pupils to care for others, promote fairness, and make positive contributions to their communities. Through this, we equip children with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to thrive in the wider world.

Teaching and Learning in PSHE

Our PSHE teaching and learning equips children with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to navigate relationships, manage emotions, and understand their responsibilities in an ever-changing world. We use the Family Links scheme to support children in developing positive relationships, empathy, and social awareness. Zones of Regulation helps pupils recognise and manage their emotions, building resilience and self-regulation. In Year 5, the LEANS programme is used to teach children about neurodiversity, fostering understanding and acceptance of different ways of thinking and learning. In Year 6, Project 10 prepares children for the transition to secondary school, fostering independence and responsibility. Safeguarding is embedded throughout our curriculum, ensuring children understand how to keep themselves safe in different situations, both online and in the wider world. Each year, we hold a dedicated Health Week, where children learn about sun safety, hygiene, and the importance of a healthy diet and regular exercise. Through these approaches, our PSHE curriculum supports children in developing the confidence, resilience, and awareness they need to make positive choices for their well-being and future.

Assessment in PSHE

We assess children’s progress in PSHE education to ensure they are developing the knowledge, skills, and values needed to navigate life confidently and responsibly.

  • Formative Assessment – In every lesson, teachers assess children’s understanding through discussions, group work, and reflective activities. This helps us adapt our teaching to support children’s personal development and ensure engagement with key topics.
  • Summative Assessment – At the end of each long term, we assess children’s progress in PSHE by reviewing their ability to:
    • Express and apply their understanding of topics such as relationships, health, well-being, and citizenship.
    • Demonstrate personal, social, and emotional skills, such as empathy, decision-making, and self-regulation.
    • Engage in discussions and reflect on their learning to show personal growth.

PSHE assessment is not based on formal testing but on observing how children apply their learning in real-life situations, both in and outside the classroom. This ensures they are developing the skills and attitudes they need to become confident, responsible, and respectful members of society.