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Special Events

While we weave reading for pleasure into our everyday routine here at St Andrew's, we also recognise the importance of celebrating it through special events that inspire excitement and enthusiasm. Throughout the year, we host a variety of events, such as our much-loved World Book Day celebrations, where children can dress up as their favourite characters and participate in book-themed activities. We also organise author visits, book swaps, and reading challenges to keep the joy of reading alive and encourage children to explore new genres and authors. These special occasions not only foster a love of books but also create memorable moments that strengthen our school community’s passion for reading and learning.

Kate Wakeling Visit 

We were delighted to welcome award-winning local poet Kate Wakeling to our school for a special visit with Year 2 and Year 3. Year 2 have been exploring Dinosaur at the Bus Stop, while Year 3 have been immersed in Cloud Soup, and both classes were thrilled to see Kate’s poetry come to life. Her engaging and playful approach captivated the children, deepening their love for poetry and inspiring their own creativity. A particularly special moment came when Year 3 had the opportunity to share their own poetry, written in response to Cloud Soup, with Kate herself—a truly memorable experience for all!

World Book Day 

World Book Day 2024 was a fantastic celebration of our love for reading! The school was filled with excitement as children and staff arrived dressed as their favourite book characters, bringing stories to life in every classroom. Throughout the day, we embraced the joy of reading with Drop Everything and Read (D.E.A.R), taking time to enjoy a book together. Older children had the opportunity to share their favourite picture book with a group of younger children. Our book swap was a huge success, giving children the chance to discover new stories to take home and enjoy. The highlight of the day was our special assembly, where everyone proudly paraded their costumes, sharing their characters and favourite books with the whole school. It was a wonderful day celebrating the magic of reading!

Meeting Sir Phillip Pullman 

Continuing the Oxford Preservation Trust's tradition of marking royal occasions with tree planting, Sir Philip Pullman planted a magnificent oak at Larkins Lane in memory of Queen Elizabeth II as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy. This special event took place exactly eighty-five years after the planting of the fastigiate hornbeams in Sunderland Avenue, now immortalised in His Dark Materials.

A group of our Year 6 children were honoured to attend, meeting Sir Philip himself and even having some books signed—an unforgettable experience! This was especially meaningful as our school curriculum celebrates his work, with The Firework Maker’s Daughter and Clockwork both featuring as key texts in our English lessons.