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School Council

Welcome to the School Council Page of our website.

On this page we will keep you updated with our plans and achievements. 

Our School Councillors 23 - 24

Our fundraising so far...

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We have some ox-citing news to share!

February 2024

January 2024

The School Council is proud to be supporting The Oxtrail, a project which is raising funds for Sobell House. We will be coming up with lots of ideas for fundraising, so watch this space to see if we can meet our target of £960.

November 23 The School Council helped organise our Children in Need "Spotty Day" this Year. They gave an assembly to explain what the charity is and they helped organise the judging for the best outfits!

April 2023

School Council had requested more lunchtime options, and Mrs Wright asked SASA if they would fund some lunchtime games for our "Nature Area" games box. They kindly said yes, and we opened our  lovely presents in assembly!

Fantastic collaboration between SASA and School Council! 


March 2023

The School Council organised a Bake Sale on Monday 6th March, to raise money for the Red Cross Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal. There was a fantastic response, with so many cakes donated that we had to have a second sale on Tuesday! 

Alexia had the fab idea that children could come dressed in red and white, the colours of Turkey's flag. 

Over £380 was raised for charity. Well done St Andrew's! 

February 2023

As part of Hester's School Council speech, she promised a school pet for St Andrew's. School Council were tasked with researching an appropriate pet, ready to present their findings to Mrs Holmes. Lots of pets were considered - including bunnies, guinea pigs and dogs! Barney researched the needs of rabbits/guinea pigs and concluded that they would require a lot of work - and possibly couldn't be kept outside over winter. 

Mrs Holmes reminded the children that we already had the equipment needed for chickens. There was even the possibility of us hatching chickens here at school!

School Council discussed which year group would be best placed to care for some eggs, and decided that Year 2 would be an ideal year (they have life cycles in their curriculum, their classroom is close to the playground, and they haven't hatched eggs before).

Next, we had to persuade Miss Fallon to let us get eggs! 

Here is the letter the School Council wrote to persuade her. 

January 2023

School Council raised the idea of more lunchtime clubs being on offer.  They also queried when children would be allowed to use the "Quiet Area" again. 

Unfortunately, the "Quiet Area" will remain out of use for the rest of this year at least, as it is next to the Year 3 and 4 classrooms, and despite its name, is not being used quietly! This disturbs learning on a regular basis. However, children can use the "Nature Area" beside the canteen. 

Children in Year 5 and 6 were asked if they would like to volunteer to run some clubs, or find volunteers in their classes to run clubs. 

Nadia, in Year 6, started a Book Club in the library on alternate Fridays - it's very popular! Mrs Wright has asked SASA if they will give School Council some money to buy games for the Nature Area, and they have kindly said yes. Mrs Holmes has asked for parent volunteers to support chess or tennis at lunchtimes. 

Well done, School Council, for looking out for ways to make our lunchtimes as fun as possible! 

October 2022

​​​​​​The Year 6 School Councillors presented Mrs Wright with a petition with over 60 signatures! As there are three classes using the cafeteria at the same time, the children at the back of the queue have to wait for longer, and this doesn't feel fair.

As a School Council we brainstormed solutions:

  • an extra 5 minutes for Year 5/5/6 lunchtimes,
  • the order for lining up rotes each week,
  • each class has a way to "earn" being first in the queue, possibly related to Doodle Maths scores. 

Teachers objected to having 5 minutes taken away from afternoon lessons, so that option was quickly ruled out. The school council voted for option three, and decided that the class with the most children completing their Doodle Maths homework should go first each week. 

Super problem solving for the School Council! 

September 2022

As we start a new term, elections were needed for new School Council Representatives for 2022 - 2023. Anyone can run for school council - and for Year 1 - 5, elections take place in the classroom. Candidates write a speech to tell their class why they would make a good school councillor, and everyone has a chance to vote. 

As year 6 are the oldest in the school, and are expected to take a leading role within school council, they give a speech to the whole school, and every child in the school can cast a vote. 

Well done to all the candidates who spoke so clearly and confidently!  

Year 6 School Council Election Speeches