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125th Anniversary - Victorian Fair 20th June 2019 Victorian Fair After 2 weeks of what seemed like constant rain, on Thursday June 20th the sun came out for our Victorian fete, celebrating 125 years since the foundation stone (still in the Year 2/3 corridor) was laid for the New Schools in front of the original school building, built in 1847. The fete followed the Bishop of Oxford, Rt Revd Dr Steven Croft's commemorative visit to the school the previous week, a day after the Bishop of Oxford, William Stubbs, laid the foundation stone 125 years ago, on 12th June 1894. The Victorian-themed day began with a whole school photo in Victorian dress, followed by a Victorian classroom lesson and Brimstone and Treacle!

After school in the school playground, amongst the Victorian-themed stalls each class had made: ‘Splat the Rat’, Duck Races, Coconut shy, Shove the Ha’penny, we enjoyed a Victorian music hall singalong, ‘Tug Of War’, carousel and swing boats. SASA also made sure everyone was well fed in true Victorian style with its grand tea and cake tent, traditional lemonade, ice-cream, and BBQ?!

All monies raised are for the school council, where pupils will decide on a legacy gift for future pupils at the school.