Useful Information
School Information
At the start of every term, each class teacher sends out a letter and topic web with specific information around the learning and dates for the diary for your child's class.
In addition, weekly newsletter is sent throughout the term, sharing events which have happened during the week and updating parents / carers about upcoming events. Any events requiring permission or voluntary contribution will be sent by parent mail.
Finally, Class Dojo will be used as a communication tool between school and home. It might be used to communicate homework, notices about up-coming events or sharing pictures from an event in school. Please make sure you are connected to Class Dojo and check this regularly.
Times of School Day
The school day starts at 8.50am (gates open at 8.40am) and finishes at 3.20pm. This gives 32.5 hours per week learning time.
St Andrew's School Meals
£2.50 per day for a school meal, payable at the school office or on ParentPay - Leading Cashless Payment System for Schools
School Uniform
Our uniform policy is outlined below.
SASA sells second hand uniform - please contact the parent volunteers at with your requirements.
Please follow the link to our School uniform supplier School Trends to buy St Andrew’s logo embroidered uniform. Just search by the school postcode OX3 9ED and you will see all that is available.